Dimensions of Wellness
Most recently taught: November 2022
Key Concept: Relationships
Related Concepts: Interaction, Balance
Statement of Inquiry: Achieving balance in your health and well-being requires positive interaction with yourself and within relationships.
Global Context: Identities and Relationships (health and well-being)
Learner Profile: Balanced (Students will discuss and learn how the different dimensions of health are important to keep themselves balanced. What balance looks like for one student, may differ for another student.

Unit Outline
This unit looks at and challenges how students view “health”. In this unit description I am going to focus on the health class experiences but it should be known these health experiences were taught alongside a health-related fitness unit in Grade 7, and for the summative assessment, students had to create a plan to meet both fitness and dimension of wellness objectives. Inspired and guided by Project School Wellness’ free unit plan for teaching the Dimensions of Wellness, students will look at what each dimension means, relate these to their own lives, and analyze how these dimensions are interconnected to each other.
After originally teaching this as a health unit during online learning, I found the lesson content immersive and engaging to such a degree that I wanted to continue teaching it as we returned to in-person learning the following year.
Learning Experiences
Lesson 1
Reflection on their personal health and basic introduction
Defining the dimensions of wellness
Lesson 2
Stations and scenarios
Students match the scenario to the dimension of wellness affected
Lesson 3
Criterion A Formative creating a poster to bring awareness to a specific dimension of wellness
Students to research, create and upload this lesson
Lesson 4
How the dimensions of wellness are interconnected
Criterion B Formative of a daily schedule to improve a dimension of wellness
Lesson 5
Thriving vs Surviving
Analyzing and reflecting on healthy habits
Lesson 6 - 7
Criterion AB Summative combined with PE expectations
Students plan to improve a selected dimension of wellness alongside a plan to also reach their physical goal.
Formative Assessments
The criterion A formative assessment has students choosing a dimension of wellness to create a poster for, demonstrating their understanding. These posters are then included as a display wall to reference through the second half of the unit.
The criterion B formative assessment was fitness based with students creating a fitness routine with a small group of students, however it can be changed to outlining a daily plan to improve a dimension of wellness. I have included this new addition in my TPT assessment bundle linked at the top of the page.
Summative Assessment
Criterion A: Knowledge and understanding
Students will be creating a health guide for a chosen dimension of wellness (and a fitness plan). For criterion A students will demonstrate their knowledge of their chosen dimension, providing a definition and “tips” to improve on making this dimension of wellness a priority. With the fitness plan and dimension of wellness plan, students should be using correct terminology that demonstrates an understanding of their chosen topics.
Criterion B: Planning for performance
As part of the summative assessment project students will be assessed on their ability to include a detailed plan on what achieving their fitness plan and dimension of wellness would look like. They should have their wellness and fitness plan goal clearly outlined, and their healthy “tips” explained alongside their necessary exercises.
ATL’s focused on in this unit
Self-Management - Plan strategies and take action to achieve personal and academic goals.
In order for students to plan for performance (Criteria B): in their fitness unit, dimensions of wellness and performance, students need to plan strategies and take action to achieve personal and academic goals. Students will set goals and through formative and summative experiences, take action on reaching the measurable goal they have set.
The strategy that will be explicitly taught is:
-Plan strategies and take action: students will choose a dimension of wellness for the formative and identify ways they can improve this dimension in their lives. They will take action by creating a poster and sharing these ideas with other students.
-Achieve personal and academic goals: Alongside setting an academic goal to improve a dimension of wellness, students will also have an opportunity to work towards a fitness goal.
Research - evaluate and select information sources and digital tools based on the appropriateness to a specific task.
In order for students to know and understand (Criteria A): how to perform and use a variety of exercises relevant to their fitness plan they must evaluate and select information sources and digital tools based on the appropriateness to a specific task. Students will need to understand which information can be used in their fitness plan, support their goal, and which key form points should be included in their task cards.
The strategy that will be explicitly taught is:
-evaluate and select information sources: students will analyse what makes a good fitness website, and explain how this information applies to their formative goal, and plan.
-evaluate and select digital tools: students will have a chance to use google slides, canva, or google docs to complete their summative fitness book. Along the way, students will have tasks that involve using each to get a better understanding which applies best to their style.
Teacher Reflection
With MYP not doing their weekly swim lessons in term two, it opened up an opportunity for an extra PHE lesson which helped add in dedicated health to the curriculum while not losing any PE time. Having now taught this topic in back-to-back years, I have found students connect well to the content, as it directly focuses on their interests, and impacts their current lives.
As mentioned in the unit introduction, my content was shaped by Project School Wellness free unit pack with the assessments created by myself to meet IB and school expectations. Definitely check out her materials!
Including a health focus on the summative allowed students an opportunity to thrive even if physical fitness wasn’t a strong interest. Students all had a dimension of wellness they were passionate or interested about.

Thoughts, questions, concerns? Let me know on twitter @tannernickel or send me an email. I am always looking for ideas and ways to improve my inquiry teaching.