Highlighting Success - An Invasion Games Unit
Most Recently Taught: February 2024
Key Concept: Communication
Related Concepts: Energy, Refinement
Statement of Inquiry: Leadership requires communication, energy, and refinement.
Global Context: Identities and Relationships (Affiliation and Leadership)
Learner Profile: Communicators (Students focusing on communicating with each other positively and effectively to increase their success in team games)

Unit Outline
Students will explore multiple invasion games throughout this unit. These games include handball, hockey, soccer, ultimate frisbee and basketball. Alongside learning the necessary skills to perform effectively in these games, students will also explore different strategies and analyze the performance of others to help them succeed. You will demonstrate your learning by creating a highlight video, in a small group, demonstrating the rules, skills and strategies needed in Basketball. Leadership will be emphasized, analyzed and encouraged as the students play a variety of sports.
Learning Experiences
*Please note these are the main focuses and do not include many warm-up games, cool-downs, quick changes of pace, etc.
Lesson 1 - Floor Hockey
Introduction to the unit and invasion games. A look at leadership, refinement, communication and energy.
Students will work through a variety of hockey drills and games that practice their stickhandling, passing, and shooting.
What is refinement?
After discussion on this question, students will look at how to refine sport skills. Through the lesson refinement of our passing, shooting, and stickhandling techniques will be analyzed as they work through the learning experiences.
Lesson 2 - Floor Hockey
Students will be divided into teams and play games against each other. Students will be encouraged to strategize through communication and leadership.
How is leadership and communication linked?
A discussion on the qualities of good leadership, and how communication can enhance leadership. During our floor hockey games, students will be encouraged to reflect on their communication and effective leadership.
Lesson 3 - Soccer
Students will play mini-games and work through drills related to improving passing, dribbling, defensive ball-handling, and shooting.
World Cup of Soccer - Students partner up and all try to score on one net. When a team (country) scores they move on to the next round. The last country, the one that doesn't score is eliminated each round.
What is energy?
An exploration into the importance of giving energy when filling a soccer role. Which roles need high energy? Is high energy always needed throughout the match? Students will reflect on their experiences playing in the matches and their use of energy.
Lesson 4 - Soccer
Students will be divided into teams and play games against each other. Students will be encouraged to strategize through communication and leadership, building on the hockey matches.
Lesson 5 - Handball
Introduce the rules of handball, focusing on not entering the crease.
Students to work through a variety of games and challenges that focus on passing to open partners, shooting while jumping, and moving without the ball.
How can you refine leadership?
Review of how refinement is used to improve physical skills, connecting it to interpersonal skills. How can you be a better leader during these team sports explored? How do you practice leadership skills?
Lesson 6 - Handball
Students will be divided into teams and play games against each other. Students will be encouraged to strategize through communication and leadership, building on the hockey and soccer matches.
Criterion C Formative Assessment - teacher observation of student's ability to communicate during gameplay to use strategies and perform skills.
Lesson 7 - Ultimate Frisbee
Students will toss the frisbee after reviewing the proper technique. Add in movement when students get comfortable throwing and catching.
Criterion A Formative Assessment - Students will research skills relevant to the sports explored so far, identifying key points for each that should be refined.
To what extent is communication and energy important in being a leader?
A review of good leadership so far in this unit. Is leadership synonymous with being the loudest? The fastest? How important is being a good athlete at the sport relevant to demonstrating strong leadership?
Lesson 8 - Ultimate Frisbee
Students will be divided into teams and play games against each other. Students will be encouraged to strategize through communication and leadership, building on the hockey, handball, and soccer matches.
Criterion C Summative Assessments - teacher observation of the student's use of skills, moving without the frisbee, defense, and communicating to use strategies.
Lesson 9 - Basketball
Gameplay. Students will be encouraged to identify skills, rules, and strategies they can use to be successful during their games.
Lesson 10 - 12 Basketball Summative Project
Criteria A and B Highlight Tape Project - working in small groups, with clearly defined roles, students will create a highlight video demonstrating their skills, knowledge, and ability to plan. See summative assessment for more details.
Formative Assessments
Students will research skills prominent in the invasion games explored in class, including ultimate frisbee, soccer, and hockey. They will identify the key technique points that should be refined to perform the skills correctly. Students will also research strategies and explain the goal of performing these. (Criteria A and B)
Teacher to assess student's ability to use strategies and identify the key skills in handball gameplay. While the specific physical skills may not transfer to summative, students will build an understanding of how to get involved in team play, communicate and take responsibility for their actions when playing. (Criterion C)
Start of unit provocation on what makes a good teammate, when playing and when not playing.
Reflection on basketball and handball activities.
Group creation of rubric for performing floor hockey skills.
Research on strategies prominent in invasion games.
Teacher and peer feedback on individual skills.
Summative Assessment
Students will create their own highlight tape, showcasing their understanding of how to perform skills, follow rules, and explain strategies for the sport of basketball.
Goal - To share your expertise in performing skills by researching skill information, rules, and game strategies.
Role - Researcher, Performer, Video Editor
Audience - Other students in MYP who will learn skills from these videos and build an enjoyment of the game.
Situation - You have been asked to share your knowledge with other students interested in learning the sport of basketball.
Product - A highlight tape that demonstrates students understanding of how to perform skills, follow the rules of basketball and use strategies to succeed.
Standards - Based on the checklist, a 2-3 minute video meeting all task sheet requirements.
For Criterion C, students will be assessed on their performance during Ultimate Frisbee.
ATL’s focused on in this unit
Communication - Collaborate with peers and experts using a variety of digital environments and media
In order for students to demonstrate knowledge and understanding (Criteria A): students will collaborate with peers and experts using a variety of digital environments and media by working together on Google Docs, video editing software, and the internet to create a highlight video that demonstrates their basketball knowledge.
The strategy that will be explicitly taught is:
- collaborate with peers and experts: students will take on a role to achieve a common goal, sharing their expertise, or researching online together to meet assignment requirements. Roles discussed will include researcher, athlete, editor, videographer, etc.
- variety of media: students will need to identify and use sources to find key information, learn strategies, edit videos and gather all information to be edited. Google Docs, iMovie, Canva, and YouTube will be examples of digital environments and media to be used.
Self-Management - Create plans to prepare for summative assessments.
In order for students to plan for a performance (Criterion B): students will create plans to prepare for summative assessments. They will identify the key components of the summative project, sort out an effective process for attaining information, and apply a plan to meet the deadline.
The strategy that will be explicitly taught is:
- identifying the keywords for the task, defining the command terms of explain, describe and apply.
- making a to-do list and strategy for completing the project task list. Applying leadership and communication skills explored in this unit to the task.
Social - Take responsibility for one's own actions.
Throughout the unit and linked to our Criterion C skill assessments students will identify ways being responsible and leading by example will promote success in games. They will self-assess and analyze their own performances, noting what they can do themselves to help their team succeed.
Teacher Reflection
As one of the last games units, MYP 5 students will experience before moving into the DP, I aim to have them experience a variety of sports and spend much of their time playing, focusing on developing their interpersonal skills over becoming masters at the techniques.
Since this summative is a small group project, I make sure roles are clearly defined and all students are evident in the video to ensure a fair grading process.
The formative provides a good stepping stone for students to practice getting the key points down on paper, then the summative project has them take the next step to performing and demonstrating the information on camera.

Thoughts, questions, concerns? Let me know on twitter @tannernickel or send me an email. I am always looking for ideas and ways to improve my inquiry teaching.